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A Revolutionary Decision Intelligence System

Make smarter, faster decisions with confidence.

Transform Complexity into Clarity with a Revolutionary Decision Intelligence System


SAGE turns unstructured data into actionable insights. Using advanced neuro-symbolic reasoning and cutting-edge AI, SAGE empowers your business to make smarter, faster decisions with confidence. Scalable, adaptable, and designed to solve your most critical challenges, SAGE is your competitive edge in a data-driven world. 


Align with your unique reality.

Continuous Adaptation

Learn and adapt as your reality shifts.

Human Agency

True wisdom empowers human agency.

From Complexity to Clarity

A Revolutionary Decision Intelligence System

Modular, Domain-Specific Expertise

Symbolic logic drives domain-specific expertise, organizing unstructured data into well-defined representations, while the modular and swappable architecture enables customization for different domains.

Targeted Knowledge Synthesis

LoRA and embedding techniques enable task-specific fine-tuning, while pre- and post-processing pipelines optimize precision for domain-specific context-aware knowledge synthesis.

Directed and Recursive Networks

Self-aware dynamic adaptation underpins a directed graph architecture to enable general-purpose applicability, enabling deep observability and traceability of problem resolutions.

DIKW Framework Integration

Alignment with a shared knowledge architecture ensures progressively valuable outputs at every stage while enabling broad applicability to existing knowledge workflows.

Insights from AI Visionaries

Discover the potential of cutting-edge artificial intelligence.

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The average student tutored one-to-one using mastery learning techniques performed two standard deviations better than students educated in a classroom environment.

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Sal Khan
How AI Could Save (not Destroy) Education
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~75 percent of the value that generative AI use cases could deliver falls across four areas: Customer operations, marketing and sales, software engineering, and R&D.

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McKinsey & Company
The economic potential of generative AI
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Study finds that consultants using AI finished 12.2% more tasks on average, completed tasks 25.1% more quickly, and produced 40% higher quality results than those without AI.

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Turning GenAI Magic into Business Impact
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40% of all workers will have to be upskilled to handle the coming change of genAI. That could translate to 1.4B people.

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World Economic Forum
Reskilling Revolution
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Research estimates that generative AI could add the equivalent of $2.6 trillion to $4.4 trillion —by comparison, the United Kingdom’s entire GDP in 2021 was $3.1 trillion. 

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McKinsey & Company
The Economic Potential of Generative AI
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To build a robust, knowledge-driven approach to AI we must have the machinery of symbol manipulation in our toolkit. Too much useful knowledge is abstract to proceed without tools that represent and manipulate abstraction, and to date, the only known machinery that can manipulate such abstract knowledge reliably is the apparatus of symbol manipulation.

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Rebooting AI
Gary Marcus
Rebooting AI: Building Artificial Intelligence We Can Trust

Ready to evolve your knowledge-based problem resolution?